I have a household of picky eaters, some more picky than others. Boy #2 calls himself a breadetarian (sort of like a vegetarian, but because he doesn't eat meat or vegetables, he created another name to accurately define his eating preferences).
Said Boy is very, very picky. There are only a few things he will eat: pizza, pasta with sauce (no meat or meatballs unless said meat or meatballs comes from a can and is made by Chef Boy R Dee), bread (no butter, mayo, peanut butter, jelly or other condiment typically placed thereon), mashed potatoes (instant not real), macaroni and cheese (from the box, not homemade), any sort of dessert product so long as it contains chocolate, breadsticks dipped in marinara, PLAIN potato chips, and occasionally chicken nuggets or breaded chicken patty (only on a good day). He also likes ice cream, but it has to be vanilla or cake batter. Nothing with stuff in it. He will eat peanuts and cashews, but only if they are dry roasted and lightly salted. Apples, peeled. Eggs, over-medium or scrambled and pancakes (plain or chocolate chip). That's it. No steak, hamburger, pork, or fish. No veggies, except maybe corn if he's feeling benevolent toward food. No grapes, peaches, strawberries (or any berry for that matter), or oranges.
As you can well imagine, mealtime at my house is quite an adventure, not to mention a huge undertaking, what with trying to create meals that everyone will at least taste. If they actually eat it, it's a plus!
Well, I have FINALLY come across a recipe that EVERYONE, including picky Son #2 will eat. I had to tell you about Son #2 lack of culinary adventure so that you all could appreciate the following recipe. The child who doesn't eat anything and inspects every morsel of food he puts in his mouth, actually asked for seconds today. I nearly fell over!
So, for all you moms with picky eaters, RUN to the store and pick up these ingredients because your child(ren) will eat this. If Son #2 deemed it not only worth of eating, but worthy of a second serving, ANYONE will eat this.
So, without further adieu, the recipe:
3 whole heads garlic, about 40 cloves 2 (3 1/2-pound) chickens, cut into eighths Kosher salt Freshly ground black pepper 1 tablespoon unsalted butter 2 tablespoons good olive oil 3 tablespoons Cognac, divided 1 1/2 cups dry white wine 1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons heavy creamSeparate the cloves of garlic and drop them into a pot of boiling water for 60 seconds. Drain the garlic and peel. Set aside. Dry the chicken with paper towels. Season liberally with salt and pepper on both sides. Heat the butter and oil in a large pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. In batches, saute the chicken in the fat, skin side down first, until nicely browned, about 3 to 5 minutes on each side. Turn with tongs or a spatula; you don't want to pierce the skin with a fork. If the fat is burning, turn the heat down to medium. When a batch is done, transfer it to a plate and continue to saute all the chicken in batches. Remove the last chicken to the plate and add all of the garlic to the pot. Lower the heat and saute for 5 to 10 minutes, turning often, until evenly browned. Add 2 tablespoons of the Cognac and the wine, return to a boil, and scrape the brown bits from the bottom of the pan. Return the chicken to the pot with the juices and sprinkle with the thyme leaves. Cover and simmer over the lowest heat for about 30 minutes, until all the chicken is done. Remove the chicken to a platter and cover with aluminum foil to keep warm. In a small bowl, whisk together 1/2 cup of the sauce and the flour and then whisk it back into the sauce in the pot. Raise the heat, add the remaining tablespoon of Cognac and the cream, and boil for 3 minutes. Add salt and pepper, to taste; it should be very flavorful because chicken tends to be bland. Pour the sauce and the garlic over the chicken and serve hot. |
My child, who will not eat anything that is not boxed, processed, or stripped of fiber and nutrients, loved this dish and asked is he could have some more for supper tonight.
This recipe is the food of the gods..... go ahead and try it and let me know what you think!