Sunday, April 13, 2008

Week 14 - Comfort

Now that the corporate module is over, I can get back to being creative. It feels good to play with all my paper and stuff again! This week's Scripture Challenge word was "Comfort."

I really felt the benefits of this word last week. Between everyone's encouragement, my husband's confidence in me, and the peace I ultimately felt while waiting for my grade was definitely God's way of giving me comfort through that situation.


Profbaugh said...

Hey, I saw your comment on the LPM blog. We hosted a live Beth Moore simulcast about a little over a year ago. It was a HUGE risk for us. Our church is small. . . holds only 120 seats at most!

Although we haven't committed to the August simulcast, I think we'll probably do it again.

Feel free to contact me if you want to talk.


Mr. and Mrs. D said...

Hi there. Saw your comment on the LPM blog. My husband and I also live in MA, and I, too, feel isolated! So, I know exactly how you are feeling.

I am the Women's Ministry Leader at my church and am hoping that we can get a good group of women to go to the simulcast in Pembroke. Should be a great time!

katiegfromtennessee said...

Hey Bet,

I prayed for your simulcast event. May the LORD provide super abundantly more that we can imagine-desperate women for JESUS!
