Friday, January 30, 2009

Friends Old and New

I have recently joined Facebook and am totally loving getting in touch with people from my past. Some of them I literally have not seen or spoken to in over a decade - and I'm not that old so that's saying something.

The beauty of Facebook is that you can pick and choose those people from your past that you want to rekindle a friendship with. It's very cool.

I like being able to shout out a quick "hi" to my friends. It's so easy to stay in touch - not as personal as a phone call, but who has time for that?

I've "found" people I went to youth group with and my best friend from high school (Hi Becky). My girlfriends from church are on there and it's really nice to keep up with what's going on with them throughout the day via quick blurbs on facebook. Girlfriends, you know who you are. And Lou, it's way cool to be able to chat with you on Facebook instead of the once or twice yearly "hey how you doing - my car needs an oil change."

So, who have you caught up with recently that you haven't seen, talked to, or even thought about in years?

1 comment:

Rachyl's Goat Milk Soap said...

Betty....thanks for adding me on facebook. Didn't know it was definitely you until the pictures on this blog. My friend also has a blog here under

You look the same except your hair is shorter..