Friday, November 2, 2007

New Car!!!!

I was in an accident in August. The accident was a hit and run and my car was totaled as a result. That's my car over there to the left... .nice, huh?

Dh and I were finally able to afford to replace our car and just picked up our new wheels this week! Here's a pic of our new car.

I know it's big and yes, it will take some getting used to driving it, but I really like it a lot! Lots of room for our kids, their friends, and their stuff!

I feel really blessed by God. Not only did I survive the accident with minor injury (broken finger and some TMJ symptoms), but now we have a really neat car!


Sharon said...

Oh my! It is awesome! I LOVE the new ride!!!!!! -sharon

Kay Day said...

Great new car!

Sherry said...

WOW... Great new car!!! Beautiful!