Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Christmas Movie Poll

Ok, I am not really a TV or movie person, but something about Christmas makes me want to dig up the movies I grew up watching at Christmas time. So, here's the gig. What movies say "It's Christmas" to you? Please leave me your list in the Comment section. I am itching to get watching some great Christmas flicks!

To get you started, here are some of mine:

1. The Year Without a Santa Claus (my all-time favorite)
2. The Santa Clause (with Tim Allen)
3. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
4. Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
5. Frosty the Snowman

Friday, November 2, 2007

New Car!!!!

I was in an accident in August. The accident was a hit and run and my car was totaled as a result. That's my car over there to the left... .nice, huh?

Dh and I were finally able to afford to replace our car and just picked up our new wheels this week! Here's a pic of our new car.

I know it's big and yes, it will take some getting used to driving it, but I really like it a lot! Lots of room for our kids, their friends, and their stuff!

I feel really blessed by God. Not only did I survive the accident with minor injury (broken finger and some TMJ symptoms), but now we have a really neat car!

A Storm is Coming

It's been a long time since we have seen even the remnant of a hurricane in the Northeast, but apparently one is on the way. People are preparing for high winds, heavy rains, and power outages. There's a certain something in the air - people are bracing for something. The weather people are saying to expect several inches of rain. We have canceled our fellowship event at the church. My dh has stored anything that was out in the yard that may go flying due to high winds.

This might sound sick, but I love a good storm. Mind you, I don't enjoy being in the throes of a full-fledged hurricane. I've been through those before and it's not something I care to repeat. But, there's nothing like a good rainstorm when you and your family are comfy and cozy at home. Part of me hopes the weather people are wrong (they often are when it comes to crazy New England weather) because I have lots to do that involves going outside of my home. I won't be doing any of it if the storm hits.

With any luck, we won't lose power and I can cook, clean, and bake. I love the smell of baked goods on a cold, dreary, rainy day. Nothing cures the blues better than something warm and sweet from the oven!